Ownership has its privileges. Find yours here.
Online Payments
New Owner Information
Rules and Regulations
Smoking is strictly prohibited in MVOA units. A $375.00 fee per day of occupancy will be charged to those that violate this policy.
The common areas, roads and walkways in Mountainside Villas shall not be obstructed nor shall any owner interfere with the right of any other to use the same.
No unit committed to time shared ownership shall be decorated by any time period owner in any manner whatsoever.
No bicycles, scooters, baby carriages or similar vehicles, or toys or other personal articles shall be allowed to stand or remain in any of the common areas.
No time period owner shall permit or make any noises that will disturb the occupants of any other unit in Mountainside Villas or do or permit anything to be done which will interfere with the rights, comfort or convenience of the other owners. Each owner shall keep his unit in a good state of preservation and cleanliness.
This is a pet free resort. Only ADA certified service animals are allowed. Service animals must be registered with the Front Desk at check in. No pets or emotional support /comfort animals are allowed on MVOA property. Failure to follow this policy will result in a fine of $250.00 for the first offense and $500.00 for the second offense will be charged.
The agent of the Managing Agent, and any contractor or workmen authorized by the Managing Agent, may enter into any unit committed to timeshare ownership at any reasonable hour of the day for the purpose permitted under the terms of the Statement of Mutual Ownership Agreements. Protective Covenants and Restrictions, the By-Laws of Mountainside Villas Owners Association and the Management Agreement. Except in case of emergency, entry will be made by pre-arrangement with owner.
All damage to a unit committed to time shared ownership caused by the moving or carrying of any article or personal property thereunto, shall be paid by the owner responsible for the damage.
Water shall not be left running for any unreasonable or unnecessary length of time.
No owner shall use or be permitted to be brought into the unit committed to time shared ownership any inflammable oils or fluids such as gasoline, kerosene, naphtha or benzene, or other explosives or articles deemed extra hazardous to life, limb or property, without in each case obtaining the specific written consent of the Managing Agent.
Owners shall be held responsible for the actions of their children, guests or lessees.
Owners of time periods in and to units committed to time shared ownership shall not be allowed to put their name on the unit unless specifically permitted to by the Managing Agent.
Complaints regarding the management of the units committed to time-shared ownership and the Association property shall be made in writing to the Managing Agent.
Any consent or approval given under the Rules and Regulations by the Managing Agent shall be revocable at any time.
These rules and regulations may be added to, or repealed at any time by the Managing Agent.
Each Time Period owner shall vacate his unit committed to time shared ownership no later than 10:00 a.m. on the Friday, Saturday or Sunday on which his time period terminates each week. No time period owner shall take possession of his unit earlier than 4:00 p.m. on the Friday, Saturday or Sunday on which his time period commences. The foregoing shall be for the purpose of enabling the Management Agent to perform necessary maintenance procedures.
Owners are limited to eight identification passes per time period, which are required for access to the resort’s recreational facilities.
Linen Service – Your unit is set up for eight people. All units are equipped with a washer and dryer. Please bring additional linens with you if desired.
Housekeeping Service – Your unit is cleaned before your arrival and again after you check out. If you desire a mid-week housekeeping service, the fee is $95.00. This service includes a clean set of towels, trash emptied, traffic areas vacuumed and bathrooms cleaned.
Picture I.D. Card – A permanent I.D. card will be issued to each owner and dependents as claimed on Federal Tax Returns (maximum issuance of eight). Once validated, this card allows you to utilize the facilities and obtain the appropriate discounts. Validation will be annually and requires the payment of your common expense charge for all time periods owned.
Bumper Stickers – Along with your permanent I.D., you will receive one bumper sticker identifying you as a Mountainside Villas Owner. Bumper stickers (maximum issuance of two), are issued annually and usually obtained at the same time your I.D. is validated. This will allow access to the property at any hour and the necessary “ticket” to park at the lodge parking lot #1 which is reserved for property owners on weekends and holidays. I.D.’s and bumper stickers are obtained only from the Management Office. (Not available through the mail).
If you will be sending friends in your place or who may arrive ahead of you, written permission must be received in our office prior to their arrival before a key to your unit may be given out. A copy of our Key Release can be found here http://www.mountainside-villas.com/accomodation/check-inout/ A handwritten letter will also be accepted. Please list all guests and provide a daytime phone number for yourself. Fax to 540-289-9072 or mail to MVOA, PO Box 1351, Harrisonburg, VA 22803.
Who gets to vote?
There is ONE voter per timeshare week owned. Owners must be listed in the MVOA records 45 days in advance, be current in payment of all accounts due the Association and be an owner of record in Rockingham County.
What if there is more than one owner?
If the week is owned by husband and wife, either (but not both) can cast a vote in person at the Annual Meeting. If a husband and/or wife wish to vote by proxy they must:
Both sign the proxy, or
Both sign a Certificate of Designated Voting Member Card, file it with the Association and have the designated individual sign the proxy
How can a Certificate of Designated Voting Card be obtained?
Call MVOA at (540) 289-6003 and request one to be mailed, or download and print the form. Remember that the certificate must be received no later than 48 hours prior to the election.
What about corporations or ownership by multiple individuals?
All individuals who own the unit/week must sign the proxy or have a Certificate of Designated Voting Card on file with the signatures of all owners and the designated individual must sign the proxy. Corporations must designate an employee or officer of the corporation and the Certificate of Designated Voter Card must be signed by the President or Vice President and be attested to by the Corporate Secretary.
Major policies are adopted by the membership of MVOA at the Annual Meeting held each November. At this meeting, time sharing owners may cast one (1) vote for each time period owned. If voting by proxy, all owners whose names appear on the deed must sign in order for the vote to be valid. In lieu of signatures of all owners on the proxy, you may request a designated voter card. Please designate a voter and have all owners’ sign and return certificate to MVOA.
Use the enclosed Proxy Form only if you do not plan to attend the meeting to vote in person and wish to have someone else vote on your behalf. You may complete one proxy for each time period/unit owned; however this form can instead be used for additional time period/units owned if each is owned by the identical parties.
You may designate the Secretary of the Board or another time period owner on the Proxy form to vote as you instruct. If you do not name a time period owner, you are consenting to the Secretary of the Board to hold your Proxy.
If you do not check the names of persons you desire to elect to the Board of Directors and/or provide name(s) of time period owners to write in to be nominated from the floor, the votes attributed to your proxy will be voted altogether by a majority vote of the Board of Directors.
Sign, date and print your name(s) where indicated on the Proxy Form. Unless you have filed a certificate with the Association designating an official voting member, all owners and coowners must sign for this Proxy to be valid.
Mail or deliver the completed Proxy form to Mountainside Villas Owners Association so that it is received no later than 48 hours before the Annual Meeting. If using an envelope, address the envelope to: Mountainside Villas Owners Association, PO Box 1351, Harrisonburg, VA 22803. Otherwise, just drop your proxy in the mail.
The Proxy may only be revoked/rescinded in person or by written notice by the owner(s) to the person presiding at the meeting prior to the start of the meeting.
Proxies are terminated automatically upon the close of the meeting; provided, however, if such meeting is adjourned or continued to a new date, the Proxy shall terminate at the close of such adjourned or continued meeting
For additional questions on voting your proxy, Please call MVOA at (540) 289-6003
Change of Address Form
Financial Information
MVOA Financial Information
(password protected - contact the front desk for password information)
Gold Card Benefits
Resort Gold Card Membership
If you purchased your unit through Great Eastern/Massanutten, please visit the Woodstone Business Office (located at Woodstone to get a Gold Card sticker after you receive your Mountainside Villas ID. Please keep in mind that Gold Cards are not transferable.
For information on Gold Card Discounts please click on: https://owners.massresort.com/billboard/owner-gold-card-discounts
MVOA Policies
MVOA Policies
(opens in new window)
MVOA Bylaws with Amendments
MVOA Bylaws with Amendments
(opens in new window)
Resort Calendars
Massanutten Resort Entertainment and Dining Calendars
(massresort.com, opens in new window)